a St Mary's Perivale Events details

Music at  ST MARY'S   Perivale


Thursday 7 March 2.00 pm 

The Waldstein Piano Trio

Greta Papa (violin)
Miguel Ángel Villeda (cello)
Christos Fountos (piano)

with Ben Mason (clarinet)

Messiaen : Quartet for the End of Time (50')

1. "Liturgie de cristal" (Crystal liturgy)
2."Vocalise, pour l'Ange qui annonce la fin du temps" (Vocalise for the Angel who announces the end of time)
3."Abîme des oiseaux" (Abyss of birds)
4."Intermède" (Interlude)
5."Louange à l'Éternité de Jésus" (Praise to the eternity of Jesus)
6. "Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes" (Dance of fury, for the seven trumpets)
7. "Fouillis d'arcs-en-ciel, pour l'Ange qui annonce la fin du temps" (Tangle of rainbows, for the Angel who announces the end of time)
8.  "Louange à l'Immortalité de Jésus" (Praise to the immortality of Jesus)

The Waldstein Trio achieved significant early success as the only London College prize winners at the CAVATINA Intercollegiate Chamber Music Competition at Wigmore Hall in 2022. Immediately after, they were offered the Carne Trust Junior Fellowship by Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. The following year, the Trio won the 1st Prize at the “4th Vienna International Music Competition”, leading to a performance in the Musikverein-Brahms Saal, Vienna; resulting in an invitation to take part in the prestigious Evolution Chamber Music Course in the Banff Centre for the Arts and Creativity in Canada. On their return to London, thanks to the generosity of Philip Carne the Trio was offered a second year of Fellowship and continued to gain more awards; winning the First Prize in the “Medici International Music Competition”, the Gold Prize and the Special Award for Best Professional Chamber Ensemble in the “Amadeus International Music Awards”, the Second Prize in the “Fanny Mendelssohn International Competition”, the Third Prize in the “Rising Stars Grand Prix 2023” in Berlin and the First Prize in the “Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition” in Bonn.

The members of the Trio are very keen to perform not only the standard repertoire for piano trio but also to premiere new music: most recently collaborations with three living composers Sem Hak (Netherlands), Valentina Ciardelli (Italy) and Bruno Heinen (United Kingdom). Recent performances include the Brahms Piano Quartets in Malta, the Shostakovich and Mendelssohn Trios in Canada and Cyprus, concerts with cellist Raphael Wallfisch, a cycle of Shostakovich Chamber Works, Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time in London, a Masterclass and a Concert at Manchester University and a performance in Mozarteum Grosser Saal in Salzburg, Austria. Future performances of the trio include concerts in Germany and Mexico, as well as performing independently as soloists with orchestras in the UK. The members of the Trio would like to express their immense gratitude for the invaluable support they have received from Philip Carne MBE. In addition, acknowledgment to David Kenedy, Nic Pendelbury, Douglas Finch and Elizabeth Lloyd-Davies, as well as Trinity Laban and Morden College. Highly obliged to Teresa and Jonathan Sumption for their heartful kindness.

Ben Mason is a clarinettist, composer and arranger working in London. He completed his postgraduate studies at Trinity Laban where he studied clarinet under Michael Whight and Fiona Cross and bass clarinet with Paolo De Gaspari and Anthony Pike. During his studies he held the Barbara & David Allen Scholarship and was the recipient of the Wilfred Hambleton Clarinet Prize, the Wilfred Hambleton Clarinet Competition and the Charles Proctor Prize for Choral Conducting. As a regular orchestral player, Ben has performed in most of the of the UK's major concert halls and has appeared with orchestras such as Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra and Glyndebourne Tour Orchestra. Ben is an active chamber musician with a keen interest in Harmoniemusik and is an advocate for performing the works of lesser known/performed composers, regularly programming works by composers such as Myslivecek, Hoffmeister, Druschetzky and Krommer. He is a member of The Rosenberg Ensemble and is also a recording artist, recording under the Da Vinci Classics label. Ben is an active member in the contemporary music scene and specialises as a collaborator and improviser in multidisciplinary projects with dance, premiering over 70 new works to date.

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