Music at  ST MARY'S   Perivale

The Friends
We are extremely grateful to the many people who have helped us, either by giving their services and expertise, or by providing financial support. Thank you to everyone.
The Charity: The Friends of St Mary's is a registered charity, no 281982, and was constituted by Deed of Trust dated 18/6/1979. We were given a 99 year lease by the Church commissioners to preserve the church and to arrange musical and other artistic activities. Alan Gillett was chairman of the Executive Committee until September 2005, and Hugh Mather has been chairman since then.

The Trustees are Andrew Goodhart (Chairman), Rev Valerie Aitken, John Biggs, Hugh Mather and John Newbegin.

The Executive Committee administers the charity.

Hugh Mather (Chairman), Roger Nellist (Vice-Chairman), Richard Norris (Hon Treasurer), Gill Rowley (Membership secretary), George Auckland, David Brown, Dermot Doughty, Rob Jenkins, Stanley Klar, John Newbegin, Michael Pearce, Judith Price, Simon Shute, Rod Waldes, Andrew Whadcoat and Sherry White.

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